Redirect to another bot (goToSurvey)

You will certainly need to make connections between your bots.

These connections are made on the same base as logic jumps (connect a question to another).

But right now you cannot edit those connections directly on Vizir.

Go to surveys can work on every time of question (AI, multiple choice, open handed,...)

First, you need to activate logic jumps on your question (settings > logic jumps).

You will see a little input with the following placeholder: next question

  • get the surveyID of the bot that contains the question from which you need to redirect
  • open Studio 3T and connect to the database
  • open the survey library
  • type the following query: {"json.surveyid":"XXXXXXX";}
  • open and edit the json
  • Look for the question you need to edit (you can search)
  • Check the list of answers, you will find something like this
    • "answers" : [
                              "answerType" : "qcm", 
                              "value" : "Menu", 
                              "goToPage" : NumberInt(5)
  • Change "goToPage" with "goToSurvey"

  • Change the parameter and insert the survey ID you want to redirect

  • Your final line of code should look like:

    • "answers" : [
                              "answerType" : "qcm", 
                              "value" : "Menu", 
                              "goToSurvey" : "d2744eaa4c27659423fd382ee9a84873c5e7b052e2f7018e"
  • Then save

Possiblité de revenir à la feature précédente avec un goToSurvey: "previous_feature"

"goToSurvey": "previous_feature"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""