Carousel question

{   value : 'required value',
    questionType : 'carousel',
    carousel :[{
              value : 'J\'ai perdu au niveau ' +index+1 +' du RapGame. Peux tu me battre ?',
              textDescription :'Description de la card',
              mediaDescription : 'image de la card',
              answers : [
                  {type : 'button', value: 'Recommencer 😢', payload : 'USER_START'},
                  {type : 'button', value: 'Attendre demain', payload : 'WAIT'},
                  {type : 'url', value : 'Partager', url:''}
                  {type : 'share', value : 'Partager', url:''}


share_contents : The message that you wish the recipient of the share to see, if it is different from the one this button is attached to. The format follows that used in Send API, but must be a generic template with up to one URL button.


Limit :

3 answers

10 carousel

results matching ""

    No results matching ""