API question

add a field in the response :

nextQuestionAPIValue : true | false

Your api will receive some data from vizir such as:

{ appID: '555616934771999',
  rid: '1591746834278870',
  respondentID: '1591746834278870',
  id: 'd22c45aa117261c723ad677bbaa94874c5e7e501e0a40788',
  index: '0' }

if this field is false, The bot will remain on the api question until this value change

If you want to send to another survey

var ans = {
      surveyID : surveyID,
      respondantID : user.facebook_id,
      userResponse : '_init_',
      appID : config.appID
    postToBotAPI(user, ans)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""